Everybody is in debt. There is no doubt about that. But what do you do if you should ever need a lawyer? Because of all of those school bills, that mortgage, and the car loan, you are strapped for cash, living pay check to pay check. And now that these legal matters have unexpectedly popped up, you are even more stressed, because you certainly will not be able to afford legal council. Do not give up hope. There is still help out there for you.
What you need first is a community legal services directory. For example, there are community legal services Philadelphia has to offer, all compiled into one list, so that you can search for the right one for you, all from one source. Community legal services include all of the lawyers and law firms who will provide their services for free or a highly discounted rate, for those unable to afford legal help any other way.
A community legal services incorporation will generally be located in a larger city, where there is a higher concentration of those potential clients in need of their discounted services. The whole point is to not limit legal representation to those who can comfortably afford it, and to make sure that people do not go bankrupt if they absolutely do need those services. The lawyers involved in community legal services are the best kind, because they are not in it for the money, they are not selfishly charging obscene amounts of money, and are doing it for the good of the people.
Lawyers get paid a lot. And they deserve a healthy fee, do not mistake my meaning, but the amount that they charge is very often exorbitant, and almost always more than their poor clients can manage without putting themselves into dire financial straits. As such, some people who find themselves in a legal situation often feel at a loss for representation. But with community legal services, even the lowest in the income brackets can find representation for their legal needs.
5 responses to “If You Ever Find Yourself In Need of a Lawyer You Cannot Afford, Do Not Worry There Is One for You”
so do the lawyers do the work pro bono? how do they make any sort of a living if that is the case? why would they choose that life over the bank that other lawyers make?
so do the lawyers do the work pro bono? how do they make any sort of a living if that is the case? why would they choose that life over the bank that other lawyers make?
so do the lawyers do the work pro bono? how do they make any sort of a living if that is the case? why would they choose that life over the bank that other lawyers make?
so do the lawyers do the work pro bono? how do they make any sort of a living if that is the case? why would they choose that life over the bank that other lawyers make?
so do the lawyers do the work pro bono? how do they make any sort of a living if that is the case? why would they choose that life over the bank that other lawyers make?