So, the first golf balls were composed of thin leather stuffed with feathers?
It is true. That is what the balls were made of in the primordial days of the sport which now has 27,000 regular American golfers, according to the PGA. There are around 50 to 60 million golfers around the world.
I confess, I am one of the 27,000. I love to go golfing. To me, it is therapy. Getting out on the green with some close friends in the crisp air of dusk. There is nothing like it in the world.
Wilmington golf courses (in Delaware) have been some of the best courses I have ever had the pleasure to shout “fore!” on. “Fore” those unfamiliar, fore is an exclamation of courtesy to other players when you tee off. It is suspected that the term comes from military usage and became adopted into golf to warn others to watch their heads.
Delaware golf courses are some of the best public golf courses in the states. Not only are the courses fun, challenging and beautiful, but they always have great food and drink service as well. Wilmington delaware golf courses are particularly superb.
Wilmington golf courses always have great tournaments going on for fundraising. That is the right way to play golf, if you ask me. It raises the stakes a little bit, and it is for a good cause. Golf is typically a middle to upper class sport, so it always makes me feel good to see tournaments aimed at helping others.
Tiger Woods got his first ace at the age of eight years old! When I was eight I was still on my living room floor, playing with action figures and making believe. Had I been out on Wilmington golf courses, maybe I could have been a legendary golf player as well…probably not, I definitely have no natural talent, but I have fun.
I love Wilmington golf courses because of the excellent golfing, of course, but also because of the location. Most of them are sprawling, and surrounded by woods. Being out among nature is one of my favorite aspects of golfing. Wilmington golf courses are always so peaceful.
I plan to go to one of the newer Wilmington golf courses next weekend with some buddies of mine. Aiming for that first hole in one. Do you think I can sink it? Feel free to keep the discussion going in the comments box below! Fore!
7 responses to “Where Golf Comes Alive”
I also love Wilmington golf courses. They are so beautiful and full of great courses. Everyone I have been to has been awesome.
Screw that! California has the best golf courses in the country. I have golfed all over, and nothing compares to Cali
Screw that! California has the best golf courses in the country. I have golfed all over, and nothing compares to Cali
Screw that! California has the best golf courses in the country. I have golfed all over, and nothing compares to Cali
Screw that! California has the best golf courses in the country. I have golfed all over, and nothing compares to Cali
Screw that! California has the best golf courses in the country. I have golfed all over, and nothing compares to Cali
Screw that! California has the best golf courses in the country. I have golfed all over, and nothing compares to Cali