Navigating the Disabilities of Your Loved One with Mobile Car Lifts and Other Resources

Handicap vehicles

Has your family been affected by the burned of physical disabilities? Maintaining quality of life while giving your loved one the proper and necessary assistance can be a challenge. It is important to know that while each family’s circumstance is different, your family is not alone. There is support for your family out there. There are simple accommodations that you can make to ensure the quality of life of your loved one.

Here is how big brother has your back.

In 1990 Senator Tom Harkin sponsored the Americans with Disabilities Act. Inspired by his brother’s battle with disability, Harkin successfully championed a bill that ensured the civil rights of disabled Americans that was unprecedented at the time. The ADA provides sweeping provisions for Americans with disabilities by making discrimination based on disability status illegal in a broad array of circumstance. This law, enacted in 1990, provides for the protection of americans with disabilities in public transportation,

And this is how you can help.

Stair lifts, also called chairlifts or stair gliders, are becoming more and more commonly seen as necessary amenities for persons with disabilities. These chair lifts are powered by direct current batteries with enough power to zip passengers up or down to their destination. When purchasing a ranch style home is out of the question, or when the laundry in your ranch style home is in the basement, stair lifts can be a great way to enhance mobility and sustain a healthy quality of life.

Another option available to families coping with disability is the installation of a wheelchair ramp, which can be placed over stairs to turn the steps into a gradually inclining plain. Due to ADA provisions, these wheelchair ramps are commonly seen at public and commercial facilities. Installing a ramp at your home can make ease of passage that much more viable for disable persons.

Vehicle wheelchair lifts are yet another step that can be taken to ensure the continued mobility of of your disabled love one. These mobile car lifts allow disabled persons to rid along with the comfort of knowing that their wheelchair is in tow. Who do mobile chair lifts do this? How mobile car lifts work depends on which style of chair you choose. There are two common styles. The first style employs a levy system that can be pulled out of the trunk hatch of a van. This levy can then pull the wheelchair up and set it into the van. The second of these mobile car lifts uses a platform, much like that of an elevator to bring the chair level with the trunk. Find out more about this topic here.
