Has Your Life as a Homeowner Turned Into an “Attack of the Killer Bees” Horror Film?

Bee nest removal

One of the most challenging things about being a homeowner is having to take responsibility for pest control. If you own a home for long enough, it is almost 100 percent certain that you will have to hire an exterminator for the purposes of beehive removal at some point. Bees are too dangerous to get rid of on your own, especially when live bee removal is involved. Thus, it is a good idea to have the phone number of a reputable exterminator who has experience with bee removal services.

Homeowners can find their domicile invaded by a number of different species of bee, from the tiny Trigona minima, a stingless bee whose workers are about 2.1 mm in length, to the Megachile pluto, a leafcutter bee, the females of which can grow to a length of 39 mm. An experienced exterminator will be able to successfully accomplish beehive removal for any species of bee that may be bothering you. However, some species of bees are tougher to get rid of than others.

One common species of invasive bee is the carpenter bee, so named because the 500 different types of carpenter bees prefer nesting within dead wood, bamboo, or structural timbers. Carpenter bees make themselves visible in April and May when they come out of their woodland hiding places in order to mate. Though these bees rarely sting humans and are therefore not dangerous, they can be annoying when a swarm of them buzzes around your back porch.

Carpenter bee removal involves blowing insecticidal dust into the nests with a puffer that facilitates coating the interior surface of the nest entrance holes vis a vis a gentle burst of air. Because carpenter bees burrow within wood rather than building hives, beehive removal will not be a necessary step to getting rid of these pests. Therefore, your exterminator will employ techniques associated with ground bees removal rather than beehive removal.

Africanized honey bees, or killer bees, as they are aptly called, are much more dangerous than carpenter bees. Killer bees attack both human beings and animals with great viciousness in order to protect their territory. Killer bees have been known to attack for no good reason at all. They may be provoked by something as innocuous as a loud noise. They are thus good candidates for beehive removal.

Only a trained expert can tell the difference between killer bees and other bee species. Thus, if you have even the vaguest suspicion that the bees invading your space are killer bees, you must call an exterminator right away for beehive removal. When dealing with killer bees, the most important part of the job of an exterminator is total beehive removal. Because killer bees have such an excellent sense of smell, it will be necessary for the exterminator to get rid of every last piece of the beehive. If killer beehive removal is not accomplished correctly, the bees will not go away. After beehive removal has been fully taken care of, it is important that homeowners monitor the original spot of the beehive to make sure the bees do not return. If you see any more bees near that area, call your exterminator to come back and do further beehive removal work.


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