Handle Electricity With Caution, and the Right Hardware

Grommets rubber

Did you know that, every year, as many as 1,000 people die from shock, and another 30,000 Americans suffer from electrical injuries? Electricity can be extremely unpredictable and dangerous, posing risks like fire, electrocution, and sometimes even death. Workers, at home and in a professional setting, can greatly reduce these risks, using the right equipment and hardware. What tools keep workers safe?

Zip Ties

The airline industry put to use some of the very first zip ties (also commonly referred to as cable ties). Workers used them to group wires, and keep wires securely in place. Today, a number of different industries use cable ties to organize wires, and keep them exactly where they need to be. The most common material used to make zip ties is nylon. Nylon zip ties are strong and hearty enough to be used as makeshift handcuffs, called plasticuffs. Zip ties are also available in stainless steel (often used as a flame resistant alternative), or in a number of different colors. Colored zip ties can be used for quick and easy identification, and to help organize groups of cables and wiring. Keeping wiring organized and firmly in place greatly reduces the likelihood of fires and injury.

Threaded Standoffs, Rubber Grommets, and Metal Conduit

Insulation, or a means of protection and/or separation, is one of the best defenses against the dangers of electricity. Threaded standoffs, for example, are most commonly used to separate circuit boards from equipment and wiring. Similarly, rubber grommets redirect wires from sharp corners and edges, keeping cables and cords intact. Rubber grommets use circular, or oblong, forms to help prevent the wear, tear, and abrasion of wires. Finally, metal conduit consists of tubing or piping. This tubing or piping can be rigid or flexible and completely surrounds wires, keeping outdoor wiring safe from the elements and sharp rodents’ teeth.

Electricity can be highly dangerous. Keeping wires in place (often using colored zip ties), and providing necessary insulation and protection keeps fires and shock-related injuries at a minimum. Get more info here.

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